Things I've Learned from My Persian Mother-in-law
I have always been into natural things, but spending time with my Persian mother-in-law opened my world to an even more natural side of life. There are so many amazing ancient remedies from the Persian culture. Here are some things that I have learned from her. Everything below is quoted from her. It is not medical advice and it is up to you if you want to try it. I have had success with all of these things.
Am I in Labor?
I had heard that you have to have a birth plan. I spent so much time thinking up my ideal birth. I read books on it, took birth classes, researched online, listened to podcasts and asked everyone and their mother what their birth story was. I looked at birth affirmations, listened to the hypnobirthing CD each night while I slept, and took prenatal yoga classes and dreamt of the birth position that I would give birth to my baby boy in.
What I've Learned As a Mom
It still amazes me that I am a mother. It took us five months to get pregnant and that time of waiting was very challenging. It feels surreal knowing we have a baby boy and we are so grateful. I have watched kids, taught kids, entertained kids, and been around kids most of my life, but being a mom is totally different than I could have imagined. Here are the top 10 things I have learned as a mom.